Vedenpinnan nousu avohakkuun jälkeen ojitetulla puustoisella suolla
Jutras S., Plamondon A. Vedenpinnan nousu avohakkuun jälkeen ojitetulla puustoisella suolla.
English title: Water table rise after harvesting in treed fen previously drained for forestryTiivistelmä
Water table measurements were obtained in a treed fen that was drained in 1987 and harvested for timber in 1997. The water table level was quantified at five different distances from the ditch for three ditch spacing. Water table levels were compared between pre-drainage, post-drainage and post-removal of the canopy. The phenomenon of watering-up after clear-cutting did not occur where a drawdown of at least 10 cm was caused by the drainage. This lowering was observed across the 20 m ditch spacing and within the first 6 m from the ditch, in the 40 and the 60 m spacing. The water table fluctuations were also reduced after harvesting.
forest drainage;
water table level;
forested peatland;
black spruce
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.2005
Katselukerrat 1719
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