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Hala Rifaat (email)

Follow up characterisation of rhizoplane streptomycetes isolates of Cyprouspapyrus from an Egyptian wetland and their antimicrobial activities

Rifaat H. Follow up characterisation of rhizoplane streptomycetes isolates of Cyprouspapyrus from an Egyptian wetland and their antimicrobial activities.


The area of cultivated organic soils, and their distribution in Finland were estimated. The estimation was based on the soil classification data collected by three authorised soil testing laboratories, and the statistics of the arable land area. The data was collected in a five year period (1998-2002). During this period, over 90% of farms received environmental EU supplement and had their soils analysed. Therefore, the reliability of the estimation was now better than it used to be before Finland joined the European Union. In the Finnish soil classification system, organic soils are divided into two classes depending on their organic matter content. The area of organic soils with the organic matter content of 240% (dm) (i.e. peat) was 85000 ha, i.e. 3.8% of the arable area. The area of organic soils with the organic matter content of 20-39.9% (dm) and ofien with a mineral subsoil, was 214 000 ha i.e. 9.7% of the arable area. Altogether, the area of these soils was 300 000 ha i.e. 13.6% of the total arable area in Finland. Keywords: organic soil, peatland, mire cultivation, arable area, soil

wetland; rhizoplane; streptomycetes; antimicrobial activity; Egypt; papyrus

  • Rifaat, Microbial Chemistry Department, National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)

Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.2004

Katselukerrat 1518

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