Väri-infrakuvat kunnostusojituksen kohdevalinnan tukena
Lauhanen R., Pietiläinen P., Saarinen M., Heikkinen E. Väri-infrakuvat kunnostusojituksen kohdevalinnan tukena.
English title: Usability of infra red imagery in the planning of ditch network maintenanceTiivistelmä
The purpose of the study was to determine the usability of infra red imagery in evaluating the need for ditch network maintenance on nutrient-poor Scots pine mires. After interpreting a total of 75 tree stands in six peatland areas from the IR imagery, the stands were inventoried in the field. Site type, growing stock and ditch condition were determined. In addition, possible silvicultural treatments were suggested. Sphagnum fuscum, reddish-brown in the imagery indicated ditching areas unsuitable for ditch cleaning or complementary ditching. The estimated mean volumes of the tree stands were -37-+11% of the mean ground inventory values. The true proportions of tree species were in good agreement with the estimations based on the TR imagery. All in all, it was concluded that IR imagery is suitable in evaluating the need for ditch network maintenance on nutrient-poor mires. However, the validity of the method depended on the quality of the imagery and the skill of the interpreter. Keywords: forest drainage, ditch cleaning, complementary ditching, IR imagery, decision making system, environmental protection, biodiversity
forest drainage;
ditch cleaning;
environmental protection;
complementary ditching;
IR imagery;
decision making system
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1995
Katselukerrat 2464
Saatavilla http://suo.fi/article/9744 | Lataa PDF