Viron soiden kemiallinen tutkimus
Veski R., Mall O. Viron soiden kemiallinen tutkimus.
English title: Chemical investigation of Estonian peatTiivistelmä
Peat, alongside with oil shale, is one of the most important national energy resources of Estonia. Some 9836 peatlands cover 22.3 per cent of the Estonian territory. Peat resources exceed 2.37 billion tons. The chemical composition of Estonian peat was studied as early as in the 1920's. At the end of the 1930's some experiments on peat coking were carried out. Later on the chemical content of peat was studied by the Geological Survey of Estonia. An experimental plant for producing fodder yeast has been established, and attempts made to extract growth stimulators from peat. An experimental plant for the production of activated coal is under construction. Key words: Estonia, peat chemistry, peat technology
peat chemistry;
peat technology
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1994
Katselukerrat 1716
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