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Hedwig Roderfeld (email)

Kohosoiden luonnontilaan palauttaminen turpeen noston jälkeen Luoteis-Saksassa

Roderfeld H. Kohosoiden luonnontilaan palauttaminen turpeen noston jälkeen Luoteis-Saksassa.

English title: Raised bog regeneration after peat harvesting in North-West Germany


An increasing awareness of the environment and the wide extension of mined peatlands require actions and measurements in order to ensure their regeneration and protection. A brief description of the most important peat harvesting methods in North-West Germany shows the stratigraphy of peatlands after exploitation has been finished and ecotechnological actions have been started to initiate a raised bog regeneration. The actions and measurements applied depend also on the properties of the peat as on the properties of the top spit layer. The requirements for a successful rewetting of peatlands will be shown. The terminology concerning the subject of raised bog regeneration will be explained. Keywords: nature protection, peatlands, rehabilitation, top spit

peatlands; nature protection; rehabilitation; top spit

  • Roderfeld, Institute of Soil Technology Bremen, Geological Survey of Lower-Saxony, Friedrich-Mifller-Str. 46/50, D-2800 Bremen, Germany Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)

Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1993

Katselukerrat 1372

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Roderfeld H., (1993) Raised bog regeneration after peat harvesting in.. Suo - Mires and peat vol. 44 no. 2 artikkeli 9728