Leaching in the material balance of peatlands — preliminary results
Sallantaus T. Leaching in the material balance of peatlands — preliminary results.
The hydrology and hydrochemistry of Lakkasuo (Orivesi, central Finland) was studied for a 12-month period (September 1991-August 1992). Results from four monitored catchments in Lakkasuo are presented. The catchments represent a bog and a fen, both in the natural state and as drained for forestry 30 years ago. In the relatively wet study period (runoff 414 mm for the undrained bog), the catchments released 8.0-16.6 g m-2 of organic carbon (mainly dissolved) into runoff waters. All the catchments retained total N and sulphate provided by deposition or groundwater very effectively (65-80% and 52-72%, respectively); undrained catchments retained also total P. The net output rates of all the elements except H+ were greater from the drained catchments compared with the undrained ones. The leaching rates of Mg and Ca from the drained catchments were great compared with the pool of these elements in the surface peat, whereas the K pool is more effectively retained and added to by deposition. Keywords: Bog, fen, hydrochemistry, hydrology
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1992
Katselukerrat 1466
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