Isotope geochemistry of gas and water samples from deep peats in boreal Canada
Charman D. J., Aravena R., Warner B. G. Isotope geochemistry of gas and water samples from deep peats in boreal Canada.
A number of determinations of carbon isotopes of gas from deep peats in northern Ontario, Canada are presented, 14C contents of both C02 and CH4 are higher than in adjacent peats indicating younger sources of carbon for their production with transport of these sources or of the gases themselves. High tritium levels indicate the presence of water derived from relatively recent precipitation and hydraulic gradients within the peat show that significant vertical water movement is possible. These preliminary results suggest that the carbon dynamics of boreal peatlands are far more complex than is generally realised. Keywords: Carbon dioxide, carbon isotopes, methane, tritium, water movement
Carbon dioxide;
carbon isotopes;
water movement
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1992
Katselukerrat 1782
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