The paleorecord of geochemistry and hydrology in northern peatlands and its relation to global change
Gorham E., Janssens J. A. The paleorecord of geochemistry and hydrology in northern peatlands and its relation to global change.
Evidence is presented to show the utility of peatland paleorecords in determining (1) variations in the time of initiation as well as the rate of accumulation of peat and biophilic elements, (2) the history of changes in surface-water acidity and water-table depth, (3) shifts in ground-water influence upon plant communities and the chemistry of the water in which they grow, and (4) alterations in the rate of deposition of diverse pollutants from the atmosphere. This evidence constitutes background information of great value for investigations of the ecological and biogeochemical consequences of global change. Keywords: Geochemistry, global change, hydrology, paleorecord, peatlands
global change;
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1992
Katselukerrat 1513
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