Ohutjuurten biomassa ja pituus ojitusalueen männikössä, koivu-mäntysekametsikössä ja kuusikossa
Finér L. Ohutjuurten biomassa ja pituus ojitusalueen männikössä, koivu-mäntysekametsikössä ja kuusikossa.
English title: Fine root biomass and length in a pine, mixed birch-pine and spruce stand on a drained peatlandTiivistelmä
The biomass of Scots pine fine roots (diam. <10 mm) averaged ca. 5 000 kg/ha and total length ca. 12 000 km/ha on a tall-sedge pine mire. In a herb-rich sedge birch-pine mire, Scots pine fine root biomass was ca. 800 kg/ha and hairy birch fine root biomass 2 000-4 000 kg/ha. The total length of fine roots were correspondingly ca. 3 000 km/ha and 4 000-7 000 km/ha. Norway spruce fine root biomass was 7 000-8 000 kg/ha with a total length of ca. 11 000 km/ha on a Vaccinium myrtillus spruce mire. The root systems were superficial; over 90% of the root biomass was in the uppermost 20 cm peat layer. The biomass of 1-10 mm diameter fine roots was larger than that of the <1 mm roots on all sites. In the case of root length, the situation was just the opposite. Keywords: Drainage, hairy birch, Norway spruce, root systems, Scots pine
Scots pine;
hairy birch;
Norway spruce;
root systems
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1989
Katselukerrat 1463
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