Espoon keidassoiden luonteesta ja kehityksestä — esimerkkinä Nupurilan Kotasuo
Korhola A. Espoon keidassoiden luonteesta ja kehityksestä — esimerkkinä Nupurilan Kotasuo.
English title: On the character and development of the raised bogs in Espoo, Southern Finland — exemplified by the Kotasuo bogTiivistelmä
Present character and natural history of 13 raised bogs in Espoo, S. Finland were studied by means of morphological, ecological and palaeo-eco-logical methods including 11 radiocarbon datings. Special attention was paid to the hydroseral development of Kotasuo bog by using plant and Cladoceran remains in the interpretation of ancient lake basins terrestriali-zation. The bogs were divided into three morphological groups according to their gross morphological (Grossform) features. The main type of mire formation was showed to be terrestrialization. Filling-in of the ancient lake basins was most common during the late boreal and early subboreal periods. The first mire type in Kotasuo was floristically rich, luxurious Phrag-mites-Typha-Carex fen. Keywords: Cladoceran stratigraphy, mire evolution, mire stratigraphy, mire types, terrestrialization
mire types;
Cladoceran stratigraphy;
mire evolution;
mire stratigraphy;
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1988
Katselukerrat 1493
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