Metsäojitettujen turvemaiden ravinnevaroista ja niiden riittävyydestä
Kaunisto S. Metsäojitettujen turvemaiden ravinnevaroista ja niiden riittävyydestä.
English title: On nutrient amounts and their sufficiency for wood production on drained peatlandsTiivistelmä
Generally in peat soils but especially in the old forest drainage areas the amount of potassium is low compared with that of nitrogen (ab. 1:100) and phosphorus (ab. 1:4). However, the amount of potassium fixed in tree biomass is about four times the amount of phosphorus. When estimating the future sufficiency of potassium for wood production in old drainage areas after one rotation (drainage 75 years earlier), it seems that on nitrogen-rich deep-peat pine mires potassium stores become exhausted during the second rotation after drainage if potassium is not applied. Key words: Fertilization, peat nutrient stores, potassium, transformed mires
peat nutrient stores;
transformed mires
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1988
Katselukerrat 1578
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