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Stuart R. Gelder (email), Joan L. Brooks

Harvasukamatojen esiintymisesta rahkaturpeesta valmistetussa jäteveden suodattimessa

Gelder S. R., Brooks J. L. Harvasukamatojen esiintymisesta rahkaturpeesta valmistetussa jäteveden suodattimessa.

English title: A preliminary study of the oligochaetes (Annelida) in a mature Sphagnum on-site wastewater treatment system


The earthworms Eisenia foetida and Lumbricus rubellus and unidentified juveniles were recovered from a stable, Sphagnum peat on-site wastewater treatment system studied at Orono, Maine, U.S.A. over a 13 month period. The oligochaetes had a heterogeneous distribution in the filter although they did show a preference for the mid and upper layers. The temperature and pH regimes in the filter did not appear to influence the distribution of the worms. Key words: peat, oligochaetes, Annelida, wastewater treatment

peat; oligochaetes; Annelida; wastewater treatment

  • Gelder, Department of Biology, University of Maine, Presque Isle, Maine 04769,U.S.A Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Brooks, Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo

Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1987

Katselukerrat 1576

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Terho A., (1976) On the stratigraphy, physical and chemical chara.. Suo - Mires and peat vol. 27 no. 2 artikkeli 9455 (poista) | Muokkaa kommenttia
Gelder S. R., Brooks J. L. (1987) A preliminary study of the oligochaetes (Annelid.. Suo - Mires and peat vol. 38 no. 5 artikkeli 9633