Havaintoja rahkasammallajeista ja niiden suhteista kasvillisuuteen ja ympäristötekijöihin Bromarvin Östanberg Stormossenilla
Heikkilä R., Löytönen M. Havaintoja rahkasammallajeista ja niiden suhteista kasvillisuuteen ja ympäristötekijöihin Bromarvin Östanberg Stormossenilla.
English title: Observations on Sphagnum species and their relation to vegetation and ecological factors in Östanberg Stormossen, southern FinlandTiivistelmä
The relations between Sphagnum species, vegetation, and the macrotopographical and microtopographical environmental gradients of a plateau bog located on the southern coast of Finland were studied. A profile was levelled from the mire margin to the mire centre and 16 sample plots were located along the profile. The vegetation of each sample plot was described using coverage percentages. The mire water level, pH, and specific conductivity were measured for each plot. Samples of the capitula of different species of Sphagnum were taken and they were measured for water content. Hummock surfaces were predominant in the mire centre. The hollows were relatively dry ombrotrophic small sedge bogs. The mire margin fen was mostly mesotrophic. In the northern part of the mire there was also a eutrophic flark fen. In the mire centre the pH was 4 or less and the specific conductivity ranged from 10 to 25 µS/cm. In the mire margin fen the pH ranged from 4.7 to 5.7 and the specific conductivity was c. 50 µS/cm. The water content of the capitula of the Sphagna was in general high, ranging from 300 to 3000 %. In the hollows of the mire centre the water content of Sphagnum tenellum was as low as 15 %. Key words: mire vegetation, ecology, plateau bog, water content, Sphagnum.
mire vegetation;
plateau bog;
water content
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1987
Katselukerrat 1811
Saatavilla http://suo.fi/article/9630 | Lataa PDF