Soiden kaytöstä Minnesotassa (USA)
Rengo J. Soiden kaytöstä Minnesotassa (USA).
English title: The utilization of peatlands in Minnesota (USA)Tiivistelmä
Minnesota's peatland resources are described, and their historical, current, and prospective uses are reviewed. Minnesota has a large peat resource that has not been intensively utilized. The state government actively encourages both the industrial development of peatlands and the preservation of significant natural peatlands. Future peatland utilization in Minnesota will probably not be monopolized by a single use, for example, traditional fuel peat production. Key words: Minnesota, peatland utilization, peat utilization.
peatland utilization;
peat utilization
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1987
Katselukerrat 1418
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