Kokemuksia Wally Creek-metsänojitusprojektista Pohjois-Ontariossa, Kanadassa
Koivisto I. Kokemuksia Wally Creek-metsänojitusprojektista Pohjois-Ontariossa, Kanadassa.
English title: The Wally Creek Area Forest Drainage Experiment in northeastern Ontario, CanadaTiivistelmä
The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and the Canadian Forestry Service (Great Lakes Forest Research Centre) are jointly beginning operational peatland drainage trials for forestry purposes. An area of 410 ha, about 26 km east of Cochrane in northern Ontario, has been chosen. It will be drained during 1984—85 and will serve as a demonstration of the operational potential of draining peatland sites.
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1985
Katselukerrat 1422
Saatavilla http://suo.fi/article/9602 | Lataa PDF