Metsäojitusalueiden hoito ja tulevaisuus
Heikurainen L. Metsäojitusalueiden hoito ja tulevaisuus.
English title: The maintenance and future of forest drainage areasTiivistelmä
This paper is intended as a reply to the controversial paper by Mr. Eronen presented in this issue of Suo (p. 9), which deals with peatland forest drainage. Mr. Eronen, as a non-forester, has based his paper on a mistaken impression of peatland forestry and it contains errors and misunderstandings. For instance, the new peatland classification he proposes is merely a list of treatments which may or may not be necessary to maintain productivity of drained peatlands, depending upon the particular site. In my paper I point out this and other shortcomings of Mr. Eronen's paper.
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1984
Katselukerrat 1483
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