Turpeen lämpöarvon ja maatuneisuuden välisestä riippuvuudesta
Tolonen K. Turpeen lämpöarvon ja maatuneisuuden välisestä riippuvuudesta.
English title: The relationship between the calorific value and the humification of peatTiivistelmä
Results concerning the relationship between the calorific value and the humification degree (von Post) of peat from 282 Finnish peat samples were compared with corresponding data published earlier. Differences were most striking within Sphagnum peats indicating that new (larger) material is desired. Other methods tested for measuring the past decomposition included the fiber (rubbed and unrubbed) content of peat, Pyavchenko's laboratory volume weight method, the centrifuge method, the pyrophosphate index and the colorimetric method by NaOH (using lengths 280, 472, 570 and 664 nm). The usability of these methods for an indirect prediction of the calorific value was found to vary from one peat type to another. The regression equations presented are based on too few samples and enable only rough estimations of peat calorific value.
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1983
Katselukerrat 1560
Saatavilla http://suo.fi/article/9572 | Lataa PDF