Mallit suoekosysteemitutkimuksen ja soiden käytön apuvälineinä
Reinikainen A. Mallit suoekosysteemitutkimuksen ja soiden käytön apuvälineinä.
English title: Models as means in the investigation and use of mire-ecosystemTiivistelmä
A survey about the recent state of the importance of mire-ecosystem models in Finnish circumstances was made. The developmental level of the models in question was in early 1970ies not very high. They were working models based mainly on the general sketches on an ecosystem. The task of the study project presented in this paper (Suo 4—5/1981) was to collect empirical raw material to relevant models of certain basic structures and functions of southern boreal mire-ecosystems. The project succeeded in giving dimensions and levels of the parameters concerning primary production of the mires in question. A dynamic model of the primary production of the whole community in a raised bog is being constructed. With regard to the decomposition pool some basic data on soil animal populations was collected, and the total decomposition was tried to determine. The vertical environmental gradients in the peat were found to be important. Although the results of the project could not much improve the models of ecosystem functions (Fig. 2) empirical material was produced available for mathematical modelling.
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1981
Katselukerrat 1525
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