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Merja Lehmusvuori (email)

Valunta ja ravinteiden huuhtoutuminen Laavisuon ojitus- ja lannoitusalueelta 1980

Lehmusvuori M. Valunta ja ravinteiden huuhtoutuminen Laavisuon ojitus- ja lannoitusalueelta 1980.

English title: Runoff and leaching of nutrients from the drained and fertilized bog Laaviosuo in 1980


The seasonal fluctuation of runoff and nutrient contents and loads of bog waters were studied from April to October in 1980 in the drained and fertilized ombrotrophic bog in Lammi, southern Finland. The nutrient loads were calculated on basis of the observations in three small drainage basins (Table 1). The data included continuous runoff observations and weekly made water quality observations. The concentrations of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na and Fe were analysed; pH and conductivity were measured (Table 2). Nutrient contents varied more in one weir during the study period than between the weirs at certain sampling time. Concentrations and loads were clearly dependent on the runoff. The monthly loads of N, P and K varied significantly during the observation period. More than half of the observed leaching occurred during April and May. The losses of K and N were higher from the ditched and fertilized drainage basin than from the virgin area, but P loads were about the same in all the basins. Annual nutrient yields calculated for three ombrotrophic bog watersheds were generally low and quite similar to results in earlier studies.

  • Lehmusvuori, Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)

Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1981

Katselukerrat 1527

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