Selluloosan hajoaminen eräillä luonnontilaisilla räme- ja nevatyypeillä
Tuominen L. Selluloosan hajoaminen eräillä luonnontilaisilla räme- ja nevatyypeillä.
English title: Decomposition of cellulose in the peat of some pine bogs and fensTiivistelmä
Cellulose decomposition rates and the vertical distribution of the activity of decomposers were studied during one year in the mires Heinisuo and Kaurasten-suo in the following mire site types: LuSN, TuSN, LkN, KR, RaR, TR, NR and RhNR. The most important factor controlling the decomposition was oxygen availability due to the ground water table and its stability. Another important factor was the temperature, as was seen when comparing the results of the summer and the winter observations. In some cases the decomposition activity depended on the trophic level of the mire site type, for example in the hollows of RaR, TR, NR, and RhNR.
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1981
Katselukerrat 1446
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