Koe hivenlannoitteiden vaikutuksesta rimpisuon metsityksessä
Pietiläinen P., Veijalainen H. Koe hivenlannoitteiden vaikutuksesta rimpisuon metsityksessä.
English title: Effect of some micronutrient fertilizers on the height growth of pine seedlings in a flarkTiivistelmä
Different kinds of boron and copper fertilizers were applied to pine seedlings planted in a flark (see table 1). Three growth periods after the fertilization copper oxide, fertilizer boron, fritted boron, micro-nutrient mixture and bark ash gave better height growth than the control (NPK, Ca). Poorest results were achieved with the following micronutrients; solubor, copper sulfate, copper chelate and PK with Cu and B. The height growth in years 1978 and 1979 of only those seedlings that were fertilized with solubor was poorer than that of the control. The height growtht of fritted boron and bark ash fertilized seedlings was statisticaly significantly better than that of the control. The best result was achieved with copper oxide (Table 2). The comparison between the copper fertilizers revealed that copper oxide was the best copper compound for pine seedlings in a flark (Fig. 1). Fritted boron appeared to be the best boron fertilizer (Fig. 2). Bark ash was best of the nutrient mixtures studied (Fig. 3). The experiment showed a positive trend in favor of slowly dissolving micronutrient compounds, including bark ash, on pine seedling growth in a flark. It is also evident, that the commercial micronutrient fertilizers are by no means biologically the most effective compounds for pine seedling fertilization on peatland. In forestry and research commonly used coppersulfate and fertilizer boron seemed to be rather questionable as peatland fertilizers.
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1979
Katselukerrat 1811
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