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Dan Asplund (email), Kari Salo

Polttokaasun valmistus turpeesta

Asplund D., Salo K. Polttokaasun valmistus turpeesta.

English title: Production of fuel gas from peat


Gasification was studied at the Technical Research Centre of Finland in the 1950s. After the era of cheap oil, the research work on the gasification of domestic solid fuels was restarted in the fall of 1975. In a technico-economic study it was concluded that the most favourable short-term application alternatives were processes with sod peat or peat pellets as raw material and low-Btu fuel gas as products. The energy price of gas was calculated to be between those of light and heavy fuel oil so that in the size class of 10 MW and at a high efficiency of use the price of heavy fuel oil is approached in fixed bed gasification. Gasification tests were carried out on a co-current fixed bed reactor. It was found that peat with 50 % moisture content and with about 30 % content of fine material is suitable for gasification. The amount of gas generated per kg peat dry matter was 2.8 to 3.2 m3n. The chemical efficiency was about 70 % at its best. The total efficiency is considerably increas-ed if the sensible heat of gas can be utilized. Tests with fluidized bed gasification were also restarted in the Fuel and Lubricant Reserach Laboratory of the Technical Research Centre of Finland both on the PDU and pilot plant scale. For the time being, tests with the production of activated carbon from peat coke have been carried out on the pilot plant equipment, while the equipment will be modified after the PDU tests for the use in gasification tests. Fluidized bed gasification is an alternative of consideration when peat is gasified on a large scale. The production of both fuel and synthesis gas can be considered. The development of fluidized bed gasification on the basis of the peat combustion systems in fluidized bed is considered possible and necessary.

  • Asplund, Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Salo, Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo

Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1979

Katselukerrat 1698

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Valitsemasi artikkelit
Asplund D., Salo K. (1979) Production of fuel gas from peat Suo - Mires and peat vol. 30 no. 3 artikkeli 9495
Asplund D., (1976) Peat in purification of waste waters Suo - Mires and peat vol. 27 no. 2 artikkeli 9454