Turpeen maatumisasteen ja termoanalyyttisen informaation vertailu
Ranta J. Turpeen maatumisasteen ja termoanalyyttisen informaation vertailu.
English title: A comparison between the decomposition degree of peat and thermoanalytical informationTiivistelmä
In the study, comparisons were made between the decomposition degree of peat deternimed in accordance with GOST-10650-72 standard, and DTG peaks for peat. When a peat sample of 15 mg and a heating rate of 10°C/min were used, peaks were observed in temperature areas of 310 to 325°C and 415 to 435°C. The former area presents the oxidation of sugars and cellulosic material. The height of the peak correlates with the degree of decomposition, the correlation coefficient being —0,92 (n=10). When the decomposition values were compared with the height of the peak in the area of 415 to 435°C, a value of 0,73 was obtained for the correlation coefficient. When the ratio of the peak heights was compared with the decomposition degree, a value of —0,94 was obtained. Hence- the decomposition degree of peat can be determined fairly reliably by aid of thermogravimetric measurements, if the contents of thermal changes are known adequately accurately.
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1979
Katselukerrat 1471
Saatavilla http://suo.fi/article/9493 | Lataa PDF