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Seppo Eurola (email), Eero Kaakinen

Näkökohtia suotyyppijärjestelmästämme

Eurola S., Kaakinen E. Näkökohtia suotyyppijärjestelmästämme.

English title: The finnish mire classification


In traditional Finnish mire terminology four main group types are distinguished: spruce mires (Bruchmoore), pine bogs (Rei-sermoore), wet ombrotrophic bogs and oligo-mesotrophic fens (Weissmoore), and eutrophic fens (Braunmoore). In addition to these, this paper proposes two more group types namely swamps and carrs (Sumpfe), and spring mires (Quellmoore). The essential ecological core of these six group types is determined in terms of phenomena typical of spruce mires, pine bogs, wet oligotrophic bogs and oligo-mesotrophic fens, eutrophic fens, swamps and spring mires. In practice these are different combinations of individual eco­logical phenomena: ombrotrophy — mi-nerotrophy, oligotrophy — eutrophy, mire margin — mire centre effects, and the relationship to the mire water level (hum­mock — hollow levels). By means of these six ecological combination phenomena the ecological niches and regional dimensions of the mire vegetation can be more easily demonstrated and the site-type character of the Finnish phytosociological school is also more easily understood.

  • Eurola, Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Kaakinen, Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo

Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1977

Katselukerrat 1742

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Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

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