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Hannu Raitio (email), Antti Huttunen

Turpeen maatumisasteen määritysmenetelmistä

Raitio H., Huttunen A. Turpeen maatumisasteen määritysmenetelmistä.

English title: Methods of determining the humification degree of peat


The material used in this study consists of two peat profiles taken from the raised bog at Ylimysneva, Parkano, in south-western Finland (Fig. 1). The correlation between the results obtained from various methods of determining the degree of humification was calculated. The methods used included the humification scale according to von Post (1922), the colon-metric method of Kaila (1956), the bulk density measurements (Päivänen 1969) and the fiber content estimation of Sneddon, et. al. (1971). The negative correlation found between the humification scale according to von Post and the fiber content proved to be statistically highly significant (Fig. 2 and 3). There was a highly significant negative correlation between the fiber content and the bulk density in the case of profile II (Fig. 5) and significant negative correlation with respect to profile I (Fig. 4). The results showed that the fiber content seems to be well suited for measuring the degree of humification. The correlations found between the colorimetric method of Kaila and the other methods were relatively weak (Table 1). This is partly due to the fact that the method is not suitable for use with all the different types of peat. The correlations which were found between the humification degree according to von Post and figures for the bulk density were lower than those reported in the literature. This is very likely caused by layers of charcoal and alluvial material in the peat.

  • Raitio, Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Huttunen, Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo

Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1976

Katselukerrat 1817

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Raitio H., Huttunen A. (1976) Methods of determining the humification degree o.. Suo - Mires and peat vol. 27 no. 1 artikkeli 9452