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Veli Pohjonen (email)

Italianraiheinän lannoituksesta Pohjois-Suomen turvemailla

Pohjonen V. Italianraiheinän lannoituksesta Pohjois-Suomen turvemailla.

English title: On the fertilization of italian ryegrass on cultivated peatlands in northern Finland


A field experiment was established at the Arctic Circle Experiment Station (66°35') in Northern Finland in the year 1970. There were altogether four N-fertilization treatments: 75, 150, 300 and 600 kg N/ha and two PK-fertilization treatments: (43.5 P + 100 K) and (87.0 P + 200 K) kg/ha. The dry-matter yields are presented in Fig. 1, the crude protein yields in Fig. 2 and the crude protein contents in Fig. 3. It was found that the yields of Italian ryegrass were greater, the stronger the fertilization treatment used. The highest dry-matter yield was over 8000 kg/ha and the highest crude protein yield over 2000 kg/ha. Moreover, the crude protein content was surprisingly high: at its best over 25 %. The suitability of annual Italian ryegrass in Northern Finland in comparison to perennial grasses was discussed. The most important advantage of Italian ryegrass is perhaps its annual nature since, when fertilization is carried out, it is not necessary to make allowance for overwintering as is the case for perennial grasses in Northern Finland.

  • Pohjonen, Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)

Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1975

Katselukerrat 1423

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