Wallonian suot (Etelä-Belgia)
Frankard P., Ghiette P., Hindryckx M.-N., Schumacker R., Wastiaux C. Wallonian suot (Etelä-Belgia).
English title: Peatlands of Wallony (S-Belgium)Tiivistelmä
Various types of peatlands are present in Wallony: raised bogs, oligotrophic and rich fens, wet heaths, marshy woodlands. Many areas have been degraded by past and recent human activities. Much attention is now devoted to their protection, scientific study and ecological management. Besides their exceptional biological and ecological interest, they are among the last natural spaces in a very urbanised country like Belgium.
ecological management;
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1998
Katselukerrat 2569
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