The effect of temperature on the metabolism of hydrogen and butyrate in a temperate swamp ecosystem
Westermann P. The effect of temperature on the metabolism of hydrogen and butyrate in a temperate swamp ecosystem.
The effects of substrate concentrations on temperature sensitivity of methanogenesis and butyrate metabolism was investigated in sediment slurries from a permanently waterlogged swamp. Temperature sensitivity decreased with decreasing substrate concentrations parallelling results obtained with axenic methanogenic cultures. H2 concentrations decreased with decreasing temperatures while the concentration of volatile fatty acids remained fairly unaffected by incubation temperature. The possibility of butyrate metabolism at in situ conditions was verified by temperature compensated thermodynamic calculations. Key words: Methanogenesis, microbiology, wetland ecology
wetland ecology
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1992
Katselukerrat 1418
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