Microbiological and organic characterisation of peat
Karsisto M. Microbiological and organic characterisation of peat.
Activity during the first phase of this SUOSILMU subproject was mainly focused on the development of methods for the fractionation of peat into its organic components and for the determination of microbial bio-mass. It is now possible to characterise peat using some fifty organic compounds. Using these methods, the effects of drainage intensity and fertilization on the organic character of the peat have been investigated. From the preliminary results, it appears that these methods can be used to determine more exactly the effects of such amelioration practices on the decomposition of peat. During the next phase of the project (1993— 1995), the production and decomposition rates of different organic compounds will be determined in long-term incubation experiments. Keywords: Decomposition, microbiological analysis, organic compounds, peatland
microbiological analysis;
organic compounds
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1992
Katselukerrat 1408
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