Soiden maataloudellinen merkitys nyt ja tulevaisuudessa
Heikkilä R. Soiden maataloudellinen merkitys nyt ja tulevaisuudessa.
English title: Peatlands in Finnish agriculture now and in the futureTiivistelmä
While approximately 10% of agriculture in Finland is still carried out on peat soils, the area involved is decreasing faster than the area of mineral soils. However, the large reserve of peatlands in Finland may become important in the future for agricultural production as a result of global climatic warming which would move the best agricultural areas northwards. Keywords: Agriculture, peat cultivation, peat soil, peatlands
peat soil;
peat cultivation
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1989
Katselukerrat 1400
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