Soidensuojelualueiden hoidon ja käytön suunnittelu
Tanninen T. Soidensuojelualueiden hoidon ja käytön suunnittelu.
English title: Management of Finnish peatland conservation areasTiivistelmä
All 102 peatland conservation areas in Finland are administrated by the National Board of Forestry. In most of these areas commercial forestry is forbidden by law only on the peatlands, but not on the surrounding mineral soil. The principles for the forestry use of the reserves are described in management plans, which are drawn up by the National Board of Forestry and confirmed by the Ministry of Environment. Accor-ding to these plans, the forestry use is adapted so as not to endanger the aims of the peatland conservation.
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1987
Katselukerrat 1407
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