Kasvillisuuden uusiutumisesta turvetuotantoa varten raivatulla alueella Ähtärin Mustasuolla
Salonen V. Kasvillisuuden uusiutumisesta turvetuotantoa varten raivatulla alueella Ähtärin Mustasuolla.
English title: Revegetation of an area of Mustasuo-mire after clearing for peat harvestingTiivistelmä
The structure of the vegetation in an area abandoned 13 years ago after clearing for fuel peat production was investigated in Ähtäri, Finland. The vegetation consisted of 13 plant species, all of which were typical bog-species. The average above ground dry weight biomass for the whole vegetation was 240 g/m2. The proportions of the total biomass for the shrub layer, field layer and ground layer were 46 %, 38 % and 16 %, respectively. In the field layer 78 % of the total biomass was formed by woody species. Polytrichum strictum formed 99,6 % of the total biomass of the ground layer. Revegetation had occurred unevenly; large openings with no plant cover were found, especially in the middle of the strips. Keywords: peat harvesting, revegetation, vegetation structure
peat harvesting;
vegetation structure
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1987
Katselukerrat 1416
Saatavilla http://suo.fi/article/9623 | Lataa PDF