Männynversosyöpätuhot Laaviosuon jat-kolannoituskoealueella
Vasander H., Lindholm T. Männynversosyöpätuhot Laaviosuon jat-kolannoituskoealueella.
English title: Damage caused by Pine die-back (Ascocalyx abietina) on refertilization trial plots on Laaviosuo, Lammi, southern FinlandTiivistelmä
Damage caused by the pathogenic fungus Ascocalyx abietina (Lagerb.) Schläpfer was more common and severe on the trial plots which had been refertilized with NPK or NPK + trace elements than on control or those plots which had been refertilized with wood ash or only some of the macro-nutrients. The incidence of damage was also positively correlated with the density and the mean height growth. It was hypothesized that delayed hardening of shoots in the autumn and frost damage combined with the increased growth and possible micronutrient deficiencies could explain these differences.
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1985
Katselukerrat 1772
Saatavilla http://suo.fi/article/9607 | Lataa PDF