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Hannu Pajunen (email)

Senegalin turve-esiintymät

Pajunen H. Senegalin turve-esiintymät.

English title: Peat deposits in Senegal


In the main part of Senegal the rainfall is very small compared to the evaporation. Therefore the peat forming vegetation can only be upheld eather by sea water or by ground water. Mangrove swamps are located in the estuaries of the main rivers. They cover wide areas but the deposition of peat requires special conditions. The mires upheld by fresh ground water are located on the coast north of Dakar. The develop-ment of the mires depends on the ground water level. If the water level is high, the depressions are inundated and ooze is deposited. Conversely during the phase of low ground water level the mineralization dominates. Because the area is located close to the sea, the ground water level is controlled by the sea as well as the climate.

  • Pajunen, Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)

Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1984

Katselukerrat 1515

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