Suonojitus ja puunsaanti
Eronen J. Suonojitus ja puunsaanti.
English title: Peatland drainage and wood productionTiivistelmä
Current Finnish peatland classification serves as a normative guideline for directing drainage of peatlands capable of wood growth. Drainage operations have, however, been extended to all types of peatlands, irrespective of their wood growing potential. A new peatland classification is proposed, which — covers all types of drained peatlands, including the unsuccesful ones — emphasizes factors relevant for commercial wood production on drained peatlands This classification stresses the economic aspects of silvicultural and logging operations on drained peatlands.
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1984
Katselukerrat 1426
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